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Start Healing Now

“In 2017, my brother overdosed in my home. I revived him using NARCAN® I’d been given. My son, who was 12 at the time, stood in the corner of my living room, watching as I performed CPR on his uncle, whose lips were blue and body lifeless. Once my brother was transported to the hospital, no one asked me about the NARCAN I used. No one provided me with another dose to replace what I had used or talked to me about what I had just experienced. There had to be a better way…”

– Jessica G.

Supporting individuals and their family members on the path to long-term recovery.

We walk with you, assisting with resources and financial help for:

  • Safe and structured sober living homes
  • Education
  • Transitional aftercare programming
  • Access to free NARCAN®

One Story of Healing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sem quam, egestas vel orci nec, vulputate vulputate leo. Cras efficitur lobortis porta. Praesent rhoncus libero mi, sit amet bibendum lectus aliquet at. In tempor nunc vel massa mattis pulvinar. Ut vel nunc et augue congue pellentesque.

Pellentesque rutrum est sed nulla condimentum pulvinar. Pellentesque condimentum quis leo ac molestie. Nulla egestas libero vitae urna pretium, nec fermentum erat congue.


The Fritz Family – Our Featured SHN Donor

Cras varius, lectus eu ornare condimentum, nisi diam dignissim purus, ac congue sapien ante vitae nisl. Vestibulum id tincidunt erat. Sed quis malesuada sem. Sed vel efficitur justo. In nec augue viverra, sagittis nunc et, tincidunt ipsum. Sed malesuada ullamcorper mi eget pellentesque. Donec non elit vel felis consectetur ultrices. Sed vestibulum, tortor sed blandit egestas, mauris orci egestas eros, id ornare lectus ex in magna.

Sed eget velit a felis dignissim fringilla. Proin tortor justo, placerat at sem ut, accumsan faucibus enim. Phasellus libero turpis, efficitur a nisi quis, pulvinar pharetra nisl. Maecenas at diam non felis malesuada sollicitudin.


In 2017, my brother overdosed in my home. I revived him using NARCAN® I’d been given. My son, who was 12 at the time, stood in the corner of my living room, watching as I performed CPR on his uncle, whose lips were blue and body lifeless. Once my brother was transported to the hospital, no one asked me about the Narcan I used. No one provided me with another dose to replace what I had used or talked to me about what I had just experienced. There had to be a better way…

– Jessica G.

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